Unplugged, authentic conversations with a preacher, pastor, and thought leader who has walked with women of faith for decades.

Asking the hard questions, dealing with the real issues, seeing the Scriptures from a new lens. These conversations put words to your female experience, ennoble you as Jesus intended, and encourage you to bring your full self to the table. We’re reshaping our view!


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#84 It Matters!
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#84 It Matters!

Sometimes we wonder, I know I do, was it worth it? All this time and emotion I have given to_________. Was it worth it?

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#80 The Lord Is With You
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#80 The Lord Is With You

I know God is with me because the bible tells me so, but I also know it because I’ve experienced it.

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#77 My Body, My Choice? Part Three
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#77 My Body, My Choice? Part Three

Today we continue our discussion with Mako Nagasawa, who can help shed light on how the early church viewed abortion, what the science meant and how we ended up politicizing abortion. An issue that has and continues to impact us, women, considerably.

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#76 My Body, My Choice? Part Two
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#76 My Body, My Choice? Part Two

"Who owns my body, my female body"? I've been quietly asking some of my colleagues if they knew of any scholarship about abortion. Mako Nagasawa's book was everything I was looking for and more.

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#75 My Body, My Choice Part One
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#75 My Body, My Choice Part One

On June 24th, I was in the airport line in Israel, asking myself a question I’ve often asked, “Who owns my body, my female body”? I felt conflicted, I’m not for babies dying, who is, but I also get queasy when people in power limit women’s agency.

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#74 Goodbye Ideal Biblical Woman Rewind
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#74 Goodbye Ideal Biblical Woman Rewind

Today we’re talking about letting go of her, the ideal biblical woman, and embracing the one of a kind never to be seen again person, that is you It turns out, what’s being promoted as the ideal biblical woman isn’t biblical at all.

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#73 That Ideal Biblical woman REWIND
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#73 That Ideal Biblical woman REWIND

Today's episode is about her, that ideal biblical woman we've tried to be like or simply abdicated. As one woman said, "I only go to church on Sundays; I'm just not like those churchy women. I'm more like a man." What happens when there's an ideal, and we aren't it?

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#72 Hope For Women Revisited
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#72 Hope For Women Revisited

We're talking about hope, Biblical hope. I probably need to start by telling you what hope isn't and then what it is. Biblical hope isn't about our circumstance, nor is it about having some Pollyanna optimistic attitude. In the Scriptures, we see that hope is about expectantly waiting and many times waiting a really long time.

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# 71 Gracie, Laura, and boogers revisited
Marcella Project Marcella Project

# 71 Gracie, Laura, and boogers revisited


She lived down the road, came from an impoverished family, always wore the same clothes, short, high waters. She was one of the stops on our bus. There was something I liked about her, but I didn't want her to sit next to me. I'm ashamed to say it, but I was in the cool kid crowd, and I didn't want to be associated with Gracie.

As one of the cool kids, I had status. Gracie didn't.

Andy Crouch, in his book, Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, one of my all-time fav books, defines status as "at its root is "where you stand" – is about your place in line."

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#70 In Memory of Cameron
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#70 In Memory of Cameron

Four years ago today, Steve and I were on the road, somewhere near Nashville, Tenn, when I received a call from Hampton. I will never forget the sound of my son's voice. He wailed, "Mom, Cameron killed himself." I was in shock, and suddenly it felt like I couldn't breathe. I don't even remember what I said; there are no mothering books for this one, but I know we turned around, went straight to the Nashville airport, and back to Texas.

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#69 are you my Mother?
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#69 are you my Mother?

I never wanted to be a mom and mothering didn’t come naturally to me. I had to discipline myself to be a good mom. So what does that mean?

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#68 On Mothering
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#68 On Mothering

I never wanted to be a mother, but there I was pregnant living in a van.

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#65 A Word, A Warning & A Wow
Marcella Project Marcella Project

#65 A Word, A Warning & A Wow

Recently I had the privilege of answering three questions for the attendees at the Inspired To Lead conference. Here is what I had to say.

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