Unplugged, authentic conversations with a preacher, pastor, and thought leader who has walked with women of faith for decades.
Asking the hard questions, dealing with the real issues, seeing the Scriptures from a new lens. These conversations put words to your female experience, ennoble you as Jesus intended, and encourage you to bring your full self to the table. We’re reshaping our view!
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#93 Aging Part I
I've been talking to women my age about aging, and I learned that women start to feel invisible as they age. Invisible Women's Syndrome is a real thing that affects women around menopause age. They feel compelled to engage in beauty work to combat aging. But this creates a tension between being physically and socially visible by looking youthful and the realities of growing older. In other words, social (IN visibility) arises from recognizing signs of aging and reinforces ageist, sexist perceptions of older women's bodies.