#58 God Is Love: A Christmas Gift For You.

It's been three years since we've gone home for Christmas to be with my extended family, Covid. You know. And I anticipate warm wood-burning fires and fabulous food. Cause we are all foodies. My younger siblings have young kids --- you know it's the kiddos that make Christmas; their excitement and wonder are contagious. So I'm excited to be with them. But I'd be remiss if I left you with this Norman Rockwell image of my family. Because well, like most of you, my family’s got stuff and it can blow up, on Christmas. So there's that too. Isn't this the accurate picture of life, Tov and Ra, good and bad all mixed in?


#59 Sheila Gregorie and The Great Sex Rescue Discussion


#57 Rob Dixon and The Ten Attributes That Cultivate Flourishing Relationships